hogwarts legacy the helm of urtkot. I have a bug with the last puzzle (i think) in the witches tomb. hogwarts legacy the helm of urtkot

 I have a bug with the last puzzle (i think) in the witches tombhogwarts legacy the helm of urtkot

Games. Explore the room, take what you need, and exit via the wall to the North Hogwarts Region. As you play through the storyline of Hogwarts Legacy, one of the main quests you will come across is “The Helm of Urtkot” quest. 2K subscribers Subscribe 5. While exploring the cave in search of the helmet, you will have to. Hogwarts Legacy has been released recently, with gamers appreciating the freedom of creating a young wizard from scratch and training them in various magic arts, even joining the Slytherin house. The Helm Of Urtkot quest in Hogwarts Legacy revolves around the Witch’s Tomb; you’ll have to. Hogwarts Legacy The Helm of Urtkot Moth Door Puzzle SolutionsIn this video I will be showing you how to complete the Moth Door puzzles during The Helm of Urt. how to procced with the last moth, butterfly, riddle in The helm of Urtkot quest#hogwartslegacy #urtkot #butterfly #riddleHogwarts Legacy > General Discussions > Topic Details. In the Helm of Urtkot quest, players are tasked with helping Lodgok find a magical Goblin relic in order to win favor with Ranrok and help the wizards' side of the fight. There will be quite a few puzzles to solve, so pay attention. Luckily, a butterfly flies close to a light source on the other side of the room. Welcome to our guide for Hogwarts Legacy – The Helm of Urtkot Quest! Hogwarts Legacy is a single player, action RPG based on the magical world of Harry Potter. Um in Hogwarts Legacy Urtkots Helm zu finden, müsst ihr euch durch das Hexengrab kämpfen. I hope this video Helps!Thank you all for watching,ReaperDigital. How to Fix Lodgok Not Moving in Helm of Urtkot Follow the Quest Directions Right Away. If you want more guides like this, check out the Hogwarts Legacy Demiguise Statues locations, as well as our Helm of Urtkot quest walkthrough. There are a number of bugs and glitches that players need to look out for in Hogwarts Legacy! Read on to learn about these different bugs and glitches, and ways to fix them! Hogwarts Legacy Walkthrough & Guides Wiki. videogame_asset My games. This includes giving many players the ability to finally rescue Biscuit in the quest Take the Biscuit, preventing several issues causing players to get stuck at various points in the game, and broadly. Stand on the elevator next to it and spam Depulso to elevate the platform. Dev. Besides all the major performance issues you all must know so far, apparently there's a new one, the level stuck bug/glitch. From the guide you will learn how to solve the moth puzzles in. Even collectible types that don’t directly give a achievement are tied to challenges which then unlocks a collectible. In the quest The Helm of Urtkot, I am supposed to talk to Lodgok and then follow him out of Hogsmeade into the witch's tomb. Killmonger2077. As part of our Hogwarts Legacy guide, we are going to share our full The Helm of Urtkot. Hogwarts Legacy > General Discussions > Topic Details. It should not be long until this bug will get a patch update in the future. Direction la Caverne du Collectionneur. Players must have completed the main story mission “The Helm of Urtkot” to unlock this side quest. Specifically, players will have to search the tomb for the helmet and unlock a total of four doors by finding the nearby hidden moths and guiding them there. This one took me a but to figure out. wlakthough for the helm of Yurok quest in Hogwar. March 28, 2023 March 29, 2023. . 1. . Glitch on the Helm of Urtkot . Go to the room of requirement and it shows on the map you need to go meet outside town. If you are one of those who find it difficult to finish the game, let’s take you to our Hogwarts Legacy guide. Contents. . Completing this main quest will unlock The Caretaker’s Lunar Lament. Tomb of Treachery Location. . The Helm of Urtkot is a main story quest in Hogwarts Legacy where you’re looking for an sacred Goblin relic in order to fool Ranrok into spilling his plans to your ally, Lodgok. La condition requise ici est que vous soyez au moins de niveau 12 et que vous ayez le sort Depulso. I'm in the room with the moving platforms and elevated door. In the quest, The Helm of Urtkot, your core objective will be to search for a Helmet inside a Tomb before the others find it, and for that, you seek the. Spinning the 4th Moth Puzzle in the Helm of Urtkot quest of Hogwarts Legacy is a lot tricky. . To complete this quest, players must be at least level 12 and have learned the Depulso spell. One such quest is The Helm of Urtkot, where Sirona's acquaintance Lodgok asks you to meet them near The Collector's Cave in the outskirts of Hogsmeade. 3) Move the PAK file to: SteamsteamappscommonHogwarts LegacyPhoenixContentPaks~mods. Hogwarts Legacy is an immersive, open-world action RPG game set in the world first introduced in the Harry Potter books. You can complete Hogwarts Legacy The. An ancient goblin helmet, forged during a time of unity among the goblin clans The Helm of Urtkot. Moth Location. Hence, we will be breaking it down into the following steps: There are multiple Moths inside the room. The Helm of Urtkot is a quest in Hogwarts Legacy in which the protagonist has to work alongside a goblin named Lodgok to find a unique goblin-made relic. This is a popular game and all have to. Out of the 52 quests in Hogwarts Legacy, The Helm of Urtkot comes at number 23. Hogwarts Legacy > General Discussions > Topic Details. The Helm of Urtkot is a Main Quest in Hogwarts Legacy . . Hey Leute, in diesem Hogwarts Legacy Guide zeige ich euch wie ihr die Rätsel im Auftrag Urtkots Helm ganz einfach löst🌟 Kanalmitglied werden und exklusive V. (This will be easy to understand via the video shown below) Next, you will enter a room which is the resting place of the Witch but the Helmet is nowhere to be found. Creating post quest will not allow loading but I wonder if something about the quest tries to use online access for save. And, lucky for you, you know someone who. Hogwarts Legacy: The Helm of Urtkot. This involves the butterfly puzzl. The Helm of Urtkot glitch I was doing the main quest The Helm of Urtkot and The last moth wouldn't react when I used lumos as close as I could. Požadavek: splnění zkoušky Percival Rackham’s Trial a úkolu profesora Sharpa 1 (Depulso), 12. A complete step-by-step guide on how to get the big chest with the skeletons puzzle. Straight to the point and easy to follow video. Thanks for contacting us about an issue you're having in Hogwarts Legacy that's preventing you from completing the Helm of Urtkot quest. The main quests in Hogwarts Legacy are full of challenging puzzles that utilize a number of the spells at your disposal. The release of Hogwarts Legacy has been the subject of criticism and debate due to J. Helm of Urtkot Bug Explanation In this Hogwarts Legacy gameplay walkthrough, we go through The Helm of Urtkot main quest. In the Helm of Urtkot quest in Hogwarts Legacy, players are tasked with finding the witch's tomb to retrieve the helmet. Unlocking Of Hogwarts Legacy Locks. I’ve tried placing a moth on the middle one. I’m at the puzzle that has the moth in the middle then the 2 moths in the room. And as with any tomb in Hogwarts Legacy, this one is filled with loot chests and puzzles. took me some time too, to realize you need to put one of the moths to the middle bug-thing. Hogwarts Legacy The Collector's Cave - All Buterfly Trials Guide - The Helm of UrtkotHogwarts Legacy Guide and Walkthrough Playlist : Software and Portkey Games have conjured up the Hogwarts Legacy update 1. Once you start the Helm of Urtkot quest, follow the next steps to finishing the quest right away. Hogwarts Legacy > General Discussions > Topic Details. Performance-wise, the newest patch resolves general crashes on the PC and various memory leaks, brings plenty of. I found the helmet for the goblinIf you enjoyed the video, please hit the like button! It really helps! Produced with CyberLink PowerDirector 21Look me up on. 2:46. For the first door, cast Lumos when you’re near the butterfly that isn’t near the door. Exploring Hogwarts Legacy! Includes an optional skeleton bones puzzle to a missable chest. If you already used Lumos to put both butterflies on the first floor onto the door, you can take one off with Lumos and put it back onto the spinner. . She will tell you about the trouble Lodgok is facing. Here is a video of Hogwarts Legacy (PS5)- The Helm of Urtkot. Next. Check when completed. Adventuring around, she can still climb walls just not THOSE walls that help her finish the mission. Killmonger2077. The Cursed Tomb Treasure quest is one quest that can become quite confusing. After the dialogue, feel free to follow the Logdok and. How to complete Hogwarts Legacy Helm of Urtkot quest. Your character is a student who holds the key to an ancient secret that threatens to tear the wizarding world apart. Professor Ronen’s Assignment. After you've been playing for a while in Hogwarts. I saved at least 3 or 4 times in the witch's grave itself. In the Shadow of the Estate is the twenty-ninth main quest in Hogwarts Legacy. In order to gain some valuable information on Ranrok's malicious plans, Lodgok requires you to rescue an ancient Goblin relic for him in the shape of the Hel. Unlock condition: Finish main mission ‘The Helm of Urtkot’ and side quest ‘Summoner’s Court: Match 1’ Summoner’s Court: Match 3 Location: Talk to Grace Pinch-Smedley on Flying Class LawnThe Elf, The Nab-Sack, and the Loom is the twenty-fourth main quest within Hogwarts Legacy;. Someone knows. Watch the series here: channel: believe i am softlocked in the helm of urtkot quest in hogwarts legacy. Hogwarts Legacy just released a new patch today, coming with a slew of bug fixes and a fair amount of gameplay and performance improvements. In the Shadow of the Estate. 5. Astronomy Class. Refer to our Hogwarts Legacy guide for more information and share any further tips in the. You’ll need to make good use of the Lumos spell to see properly throughout most of this cave. If you teleport away at any point, you can bug the quest. I don’t know what to do to progress. Showing 1 - 3 of 3 comments. . However the quest path still goes straight to him and there is no quest marker anywhere else. The Elf, The Nab-Sack, and the Loom. " Speak to Sirona in the Three Broomsticks "Sirona said that the goblin I'm looking for is named Lodgok – he's known to frequent the Hog's Head Inn. Collectibles Info. Then get up there using the platform. The first step of the Helm of Urtkot quest sees you come up against a sequence of huge doors with butterflies on them. '. In this guide, we will show you where to find the Helm of Urtkot from the thieves in Hogwarts Legacy! The following main storyline quests will get harder and harder. Next, you will want to speak with Sirona, who can be found inside the Three. La quête Hogwarts Legacy Helm of Urtkot se déroule au milieu de la campagne (c’est-à-dire après le procès de Percival Rackham). Last update: 14 February 2023. A walkthrough video showing how to open the fourth Lumos Moth door during the main quest The Helm of Urtkot. Bring it closer with your spell. Hogwarts Legacy Role-playing video game Gaming. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. 💜 Quests in video 🏰 Main: The Helm ofThese are found across your map in loot collection chests at Bandit Camps. Hogwarts Legacy The High Keep Walkthrough: Climb the Battlements. úroveň. Vote. . Use Lumos so that the butterfly follows your wand and extinguish it near. Go near to the Witch's tomb and look for Lodgok. With that, you'll be able to upgrade your gear and clothes using these materials and traits, using the Enchanting Loom. Use Depulso as you get on the platform to the right, and after it goes higher, you will have to get over the wall and catch the third moth. Even if you have not run into the bug,. Select any of the moths and place them on the Moth structure. I’m stuck : r/HarryPotterGame. Back on the Path is the twenty-eighth main quest within Hogwarts Legacy; where you briefly meet with Fig in the Map Chamber once more, and learn the location of the second Trial. Hogwarts Legacy: The Helm Of Urtkot: Search the Tomb for the Helmet. How to Unlock. One such quest is The Helm of Urtkot, where Sirona's acquaintance Lodgok. Complete The Helm of Urtkot main quest – 180 XP – Appearances: A Friend in Deed: Hogsmeade: Lv. Resolved Lodgok’s Helm of Urtkot quest lock, preventing. Hogwarts Legacy. Like Jackdaw’s. In this Hogwarts Legacy gameplay walkthrough, we go through The Helm of Urtkot main quest. Capture the Moth using Lumos. The Hogwarts Legacy Helm of Urtkot quest also has an optional puzzle where you need to move skeletons to the correct spots. The game follows a student. Professor Weasley’s Assignment. The hardest part is the last moth puzzle and then a. The Helm Of Urtkot Hogwarts Legacy guide & locations. . The Hogwarts Legacy Helm of Urtkot quest also has an optional puzzle where you need to move skeletons to the correct spots. Uploaded by ROHITTULSYAN. took me some time too, to realize you need to put one of the moths to the middle bug-thing. Hogwarts Legacy is full of amazing quests and little secrets that truly make the game come to life. Map View. To start, you will need to make your way to The Collector’s Cave, where you will have to complete three Butterfly Door Puzzles, each more complex than the first. From the guide you will learn how to solve the moth puzzles in the witch's tomb (Collector's Cave), how to leave the dungeon and where to find the helmet in the thieves' camp. A video guide showing how to complete the main story mission, The Helm of Urtkot on Hogwarts Legacy. Use Depulso to push the two blocks toward the corner. Talk to Sirona. Learning this passage will give you the full details of The Helm of Urtkot. Completing this main quest will unlock The Caretaker’s Lunar Lament. So let's do this!Please l. For the first door, cast Lumos when you're near the butterfly that isn't near the door. Before activating this quest, you must be at least level 12 and should know how to use the spell Depulso. Hogwarts Legacy Gameplay Walkthrough - The Helm of Urtkot (Part 1) In this Hogwarts Legacy gameplay walkthrough, we go through The Helm of Urtkot main quest. With the use of several. Post category: Hogwarts Legacy; This article will guide you on how to complete the objective “Search the Tomb for the Helmet” of the side mission “The Helm of Urtkot” in the game Hogwarts Legacy. This is part 12 of our Hogwarts Legacy journey. It requires players to be at least level 12 and have the. Open this chest to find the Helm of Urtkot. Read on below to follow this Hogwarts Legacy. Dive into the magical. 5) Bring up your gear screen and check your health. #1. #3. Make a. This includes obtaining a helmet from a catacomb for a g. . Log in. >>. The Helm of Urtkot is the 20th Main Quest in the game, unlocked after completing Percival Rackham's Trial. Players help Lodgok. THEN use Lumos to attract the moth and use it. It is the final puzzle of the quest that is proving to be kind of tricky for a. . 1. Capture the Moth using Lumos. 1. The Helm of Urtkot is a quest in Hogwarts Legacy in which you must explore the witch’s tomb (also known as the Collector’s Cave) in search of an ancient magical goblin relic. The Helm of Urtkot is one of the quests along the main storyline of Hogwarts Legacy. Hogwarts Legacy. Reading Time: 3 minutes read 2. The main quests in Hogwarts Legacy are full of challenging puzzles that utilize a number of the spells at your disposal. Talk to Sirona, Lodgok's friend located in the Three Broomsticks. Helm of Urtkot Bug. A fix for the game-breaking Helm of Urtkot / Lodgok Bug (HL-851) where Lodgok's stuck in the Hog's Head and players can't progress the game. I used arresto momentum on the moth thing to hold it long enough to get the moth and go. A fix for the game-breaking Helm of Urtkot / Lodgok Bug (HL-851) where Lodgok's stuck in the Hog's Head and players can't progress the game. The Hogwarts legacy butterfly tomb is obnoxi. Hogwarts Legacy: The Helm of Urtkot Hogwarts Legacy guide This page of the solucja for Hogwarts Legacy describes the main quest The Helmet of Urtkot. Directions: The empty painting can be found south of the Defence Against the Dark Arts Tower Floo Flame. Hogwarts Legacy Helm of Urtkot Puzzles | How to Solve On: March 28, 2023. The Helm of Urtkot je dvacátým sedmým hlavním úkolem ve hře Hogwarts Legacy. The Helm of Urkot Walkthrough guide in Hogwarts Legacy. We’ve completed Percival Rackham’s first Trial and. This is a walkthrough quest guide for The Helm of Urtkot in Hogwar. Hogwarts Legacy The Helm of Urtkot Moth Door Puzzle SolutionsIn this video I will be showing you how to complete the Moth Door puzzles during The Helm of Urt. Completing the other part chapter of the story, called "The Helm of Urtkot," is also required before players can find the item that starts The Cursed Tomb. 🍿 My Hogwarts Legacy playlist - Depulso to push the two blocks into the back wall. Trane067 25. One such quest is The Helm of Urtkot, where Sirona's acquaintance Lodgok. All Minlin Precious Chest Locations: you know you can glide to a hidden island from Starsnatch Cliff? Helm of Urtkot; Beasts Class; The Caretaker's Lunar Lament; The Elf, the Nab-Sack, and the Loom;. . Took me a few tries to figure it out too. The Helm of Urtkot bugged. As part of our Hogwarts Legacy guide, we are going to share our full The Helm of Urtkot. 11 inch Holly Wood with a Phoenix Feather core. When you reach the confusing moth puzzle area, your quest tracker will say, 'Search the Tomb for the Helmet. If you enjoy open-world action role-playing games, you will love this one. Walkthrough for how to solve the butterfly / moth puzzle in Hogwarts Legacy The Helm of Urtkot main quest (Objective: Search the Tomb for the. My Hogwarts Legacy Conspiracy Theory. i was playing and i talked to lodgok a goblin npc and then i went to the room of requrement to make potions but when i came back he was sitting where he was before and i couldnt talk to him or progress the quest anymore. No matter what I do I can't grab Any ledge after Any wall kick for the life of me. Hogwarts Legacy Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 - Thanks to Warner Bros UK for the Review (Recorded on PC with 4K Ultra Ray Tracing. Stand on the elevator next to it and spam Depulso to elevate the platform. This is a guide on how to search the tomb for the helmet as part of "The Helm of Urtkot" quest in the Hogwarts Legacy game. However, she’s getting stuck on the final room to get to the helmet. com, see more at Enter The Col. Hogwarts Legacy - The Helm of Urtkot - Speak to Sirona - Search the tomb for the Helmet; Hogwarts Legacy - The Helm of Urtkot - Speak to Sirona - Search the tomb for the Helmet. It is recommended that you’re at least Level 12 before starting this quest. You’ll reach this chamber by hopping up a ledge to your right past the. 223. If trying to complete the helm of urtkot and I'm on the third butterfly task where there's two platform which raise up. Walkthrough for how to solve the butterfly / moth puzzle in Hogwarts Legacy The Helm of Urtkot main quest (Objective: Search the Tomb for the helmet). This page of the solucja for Hogwarts Legacy describes the main quest The Helmet of Urtkot. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of The Elf, the Nab-Sack, and the Loom Main Mission. Screenshot via The Nerd Stash (Hogwarts Legacy) As you enter the first room, there will be a puzzle that you must solve that involves. Die Motten-Rätsel sind ganz schön kniffelig. In diesem Video zeige ich dir, wie du die Hauptquest "Urtkots Helm" abschließen kannst. Quagmire Troll - West of the Mind’s Eye mine in Hogwarts Valley. Answered. Sirona personally vouched for him and told me to tell. The Helmet of Urtkot is one of the 52 gears in Hogwarts Legacy. We'd like to get your. In the Shadow of the Estate. Search the Tomb for the Helmet . During your playthrough of Hogwarts Legacy, you'll encounter the quest to 'Search the tomb for the helmet' during the Helm of Urtkot quest. . If they aren't integral for solving a main quest/side quest, they're just extra forks in the dungeon that might lead to a chest. chevron_left. The Elf, the Nab-Sack, and the Loom. Text guide: Legacy Helm of Urtkot quest - How to open butterfly doorsSearch the Tomb for the HelmetReturn to LodgokRecover the Helmet from the ThievesHogwarts L. The bug will most likely occur after travelling to other locations not related to the quest, particarly the secret rooms, the Room of Requirement or Map. Even after the grave in the further course of the order (with Urtkot) there were no. The game's ray-traced. The reason is that the aforementioned main quest requires the Depulso spell, which is a reward for completing Professor Sharp's assignment. I can’t interact with him and I cannot progress any further. The Helm of Urtkot; Beasts Class ; Room of Requirement ;. The Helm of Urtkot is a quest in Hogwarts Legacy in which the protagonist has to work alongside a goblin named Lodgok to find a unique goblin-made relic. Helm of Urtkot: Moth puzzle door 2. Hogwarts Legacy - Hogwarts Legacy: Digital Deluxe EditionThe Hogwarts Legacy Digital Deluxe Edition Includes:-Thestral Mount-Dark Arts Battle Arena-Dark Arts Cosmetic Set-Dark Arts Garrison HatAbout the GameHogwarts Legacy is an open-world action RPG set in the world first introduced in the Harry Potter books. The Helm of Urtkot is a difficult quest that requires you to solve puzzles in a dungeon. The Helm of Urtkot is a main story quest available in Hogwarts Legacy. In This Video. The Helm of Urtkot quest starts out with you meeting a Goblin named, Lodgok. In this tent is a large chest, which contains the pilfered Helm of Urtkot you seek. . This game requires a specific mathematics skill: to place both wheels on the right sweet spot. As such, it can be a bit annoying to go through all of those puzzles just to get your hands on the chests. The Harry Potter video games Hogwarts Legacy / HL is an actio. Hogwarts Legacy is full of amazing quests and little secrets that truly make the game come to life. 🏆 Please click. Heading to the Collector’s Cave. Standish Feb 11 @ 5:24pm. The High Keep is the twenty-seventh main quest within Hogwarts Legacy; where you infiltrate Falbarton Castle in search of a letter that could expose Rookwood and Harlow’s evil schemes. Head to The Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade and speak with Sirona, who will tell you that they have a goblin friend called Lodgok. The Helm of Urtkot quest requires players to meet with Lodgok, who’ll show them the way to the witch’s tomb, where we will need to find the helmet. Sorr. Just finished the job yesterday with no problems. 3. Walkthrough Menu While you wait to learn about the next trial, there is information you should gather about Ranrok. The puzzles at the start are pretty easy to solve. Games, and it allows you to progress the story as a Hogwarts student. Hogwarts Legacy The Helm of Urtkot (Playstation 5)This quest was a bit challenging and I actually cut over 30 minutes of me trying to figure things out. In this video, we're walkthrough of the Helm of Urtkot Quest, a quest in the Harry Potter Legacy game for mobile devices. Walkthrough Chart. More videosThe Headmistress Speaks is the thirty-third main quest within Hogwarts Legacy; where you speak with Niamh Fitzgerald and learn the location of the third Trial. The Helm of Urtkot je dvacátým sedmým hlavním úkolem ve hře Hogwarts Legacy. Frame Location. . More From Hogwarts Legacy. Once completed, Adelaide Oakes will offer the quest in the Transfiguration Courtyard. . . How to do The Helm of Urtkot Hogwarts Legacy quest. November 14, 2023 Hogwart’s Legacy on Switch Doesn’t Have the Same Magic; November 13, 2023 Hogwarts Legacy. Catching Your Own Beasts in Hogwarts Legacy. . As part of our Hogwarts Legacy guide, we are going to share our full Welcome to Hogwarts. Cast Lumos again to place the moth in the box and gather the other two. The puzzle requires players to slot in. Aatrocy Mar 5 @ 10:16am. Hogwarts Legacy. skeevemandius Feb 11 @ 5:25pm. . Includes all items and loot you can pick up. The Helm of Urtkot; In the Shadow of the Estate; The Elf, The Nab-Sack, and the Loom; Astronomy Class; Professor Garlick’s Assignment 1; The High Keep;. He is sitting in Hogsmeade and will not move from his chair so I can continue the quest to head to the witches cave. Cave Entrance 00:001st Locked Doo. All Merlin Trials Solutions;1. . Helm of Urtkot:. . Here is how to finish the Helm of Urtkot quest. Logdok will reveal his secret plan to you. From the guide you will learn how to solve the moth puzzles in the witch's tomb (Collector's Cave), how to leave the dungeon and where to find the helmet in the thieves' camp. The Elf, the Nab-Sack, and the Loom is the twenty-eighth main quest in Hogwarts Legacy. Text guide: Helm Of Urtkot Walkthrough In Hogwarts Legacy the Helm of Urtkot is the 23rd main quest that requires the player to search for a rare Goblin artifact. However when using Depulso it won’t spin to raise the platform. Your objective is to help Lodgok get the Helm of Urtkot. Informace o úkolu: Poté, co se mi podařilo v hostinci U prasečí hlavy. In this video I show you all a walkthrough of The Helm of Urtkot Mission on Hogwarts Legacy. They keep respawning and eventually gets to a point where only 1 or a few are left and. Meet Lodgok near the witch’s tomb. Firstly, you must be at least level 12 in the game and have already learned the spell Depulso. Top Guide Sections. . Help with helm of urtkot - spoiler. Hence, we will be breaking it down into the following steps: There are multiple Moths inside the room. . Skip to content home Hogwarts LegacyHello Wizards and Witches to Part 33 of Hogwarts Legacy. Reward: 260 XP. . Episode 7 of my fully narrated and beginner friendly walkthrough of HOGWARTS LEGACY with the goal to obtain the Platinum Trophy in the most easy and time-eff. In Hogsmeade there weren't any difficulties either.